Thursday, November 22, 2007

'Cause you gotta have Feith!

What do Dick Cheney a handshake and a Penn State University professor from Iowa have in common? The War in Iraq.

After invading Afghanistan and having no luck finding Osama Bin Laden, Bush and Cheney devised a plan to divert attention from a failed attempt to find the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks by trying to find a reason to go to war in Iraq. CIA reports found no link between Al Quaeda and Sadaam Hussein so Cheney and Feith decided to "reexamine the CIA findings" and come up with their own links. They hired some professor from Penn State University to find links and gave him a fancy title like Senior Pentagon Official. This professor, Chris Carney (we all know him as the guy who won the 2006 congressional election because he didn't beat up women) was told to make up false statements to convince the President of the United States to go to war. The finished product had 50 "points of evidence" (i.e. lies) linking Al Quaeda to Hussein. There are dozens of quality articles from credible sources documenting this truth.

Carney admits to coming up with these lies in the memo: "When asked whether there was a relationship between Sadaam Hussein and Al Qaida, here's what Carney said in his own words: “On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 was no connection and 10 was operational control, I would say it’s about a 2½.”

2 1/2 out of 10, and how many young men and women lost their lives? Way to go Carney!!!

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