Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hey Swiderski Dems Fightin' Words!!!

Some liberal *sshole apparently emailed the Swiderski campaign spreading their liberal agenda. Here's the contents of the email send to him:

Based on your position statements, I pledge to work hard AGAINST your

For instance, your blatantly illogical comment on stem cells; "Instead of
placing innocent life at risk, we should look to other proven means first."
The harvesting of stem cells from embryos on the way to a furnace for
incineration DOES NOT place innocent life at risk. Your statement is
impossible. It trashes your credibility and your logic and ability to
understand facts. Even if you believe that an embryo or fetus is a viable
life when in the womb - after it is aborted (spontaneously and naturally by
the body or invasive by a physician) at that point it is 100% dead. Removing
of a few stem cells at that point is meaningless to all parties involved. In
a few moments it will be ash. Yet it can provide a rich source of biological
starting material for advanced research. To prevent a disease that will
probably cause death to many people, including ones you love.

You said; "The adult stem cells are found in high quantity through the blood
of the umbilical cord and placenta." Perhaps you need to speak to the people
involved in the research to better understand the technology. Nothing is
more dangerous than someone (let alone a politician!) with "pretend
knowledge" speaking as though he knows what he is talking about. Indeed,
recent advances have been encouraging, but there is no substitute for new
active stem cell lines.

Furthermore you state; "The science for embryonic stem cells has not
produced any viable results. By promoting their use, we are giving false
hope to those suffering from debilitating diseases". Good grief, *when I
read that I saw immediately why you must NEVER be elected* - nor ever be in
a position of responsibility. Sorry to be brusque. But with your attitude we
would never have made ANY advances in ANY technology. Using your twisted
logic we should shut down the research on EVERY medicine and EVERY
developmental surgical technique - as they have not YET had any "viable
results" and give "false hope".

I could go on with each and every one of your position statements, yet have
just pulled just three examples why I will vigorously oppose your fanatical
right wing views and make sure MANY people know that the premise behind your
position statements are based in myth and falsehoods.

If you wish to refute any of my comments *with actual facts*, rather then
quotes from your individual version of your religion's bible, then feel free
to contact me.

This is Swiderski's reply and it's on his campaign website

First, thank you for you email. I enjoy receiving and reading mail from voters, no matter what your opinion is on my positions. As someone who wants to represent the people, it is important to know what the people's opinions are. I also welcome the opportunity to debate an issue in a civil manner. However, when a liberal such as yourself writes hate mail like the one above, you run the risk of having your play book disclosed to the people of the 10th Congressional District to illustrate what kind of values and people democrats like Chris Carney represent (Carney did vote for embryonic stem cell research funding - H.R. 810).

This is an example of an email from a typical liberal hack. These are the people who are trying to destroy traditional moral values and our identity as Americans. These are the people who attack Christianity and take away the the right to say celebratory phrases like Merry Christmas. Liberals like this faceless hack are responsible for polluting the meaning of the U.S. Constitution, make you want to believe that our founding fathers were atheists, and say that our children's rights will become violated if we allow them to pray in school.

Sir or madam (I cannot tell since you weren't bold enough to put your name to your email), you are more than welcome to campaign against my ideals just as I have the right to campaign for the right to restore America and return our country to its traditional, conservative values based upon the Christian principles of our founding fathers.

I welcome the opportunity to talk about the facts of this issue, rather than being preach to with senseless liberal ranting. Here are the facts about stem cell research, based upon credible, non-partisan, peer-reviewed articles (i.e., scholarly sources):

Most embryonic stem cells can be found in the umbilical cord and placenta. Scientists never legitimately validated the hypothesis that stems cells from embryos have any significant value for research. Almost all research conducted in this field indicate that this hypothesis will never be validated. Although research does indicate that one can clone blastocyst cells, the research focuses on the DNA which can be found in non-embryonic cells, extracted from therein, and yield the same results. In other words, taking an aborted fetus and using it for medical research is pointless. Therefore, the need to push for the legitimization of abortion through stem cell research is negated.

The latest research in stem cell development indicates that "stem cells can be derived from reprogrammed adult skin cells, making it appear less important to use human embryos... researchers... were able to create embryonic stem cells by using skin cells".

It is true that I am not a scientist. However, my training as a doctoral candidate allow me to obtain and analyze scholarly research for the purposes of forming an educated, informed and unbiased opinion. This research goes far beyond reading blogs and internet articles from incredible sources.
As your next representative, I will continue to examine emerging and developing issues such as the one above from an unbiased standpoint.

Here's my take:
First to the lib that sent this email to the Swiderski campaign. You're an *sshole and I will work equally hard to protest your bullsh*t liberal views. I asked Swiderski for your email address so that I can get my conservative friends to flood your inbox but he has too much moral stature to do that. Too bad.

Not only are you an *sshole but you're a stupid *sshole. Hatemail in politics gets trashed. Rightfully Swiderski trashed you *ss. Way to go Paullie!!!!!

What the f*ck makes you think anyone will respond to your crude email politely especially when it gets in my hands. I won't go easy on you like Paul Swiderski did.

There is nothing illogical about Swiderski's comment "instead of placing innocent life at risk...." The libs want to convince the public that embryonic stem cells from fetuses will cure the world of all diseases despite recent reports that say fetusus don't have any scientific value. It's just a ploy to keep abortion legal. I wouldn't be surprised if abortion clinics would try to convince women that an abortion will not be a waste of life because the fetus can be donated to science. ahhh the playbook opened to chapter 4: "even if science proves our philosophy wrong: lie and convince the people that the scientists are religious fanatics or find some illegitimate scientist to repudiate concerns. Remember rule #1. We liberals are always right even when we're wrong."

The only thing you're partially right on is the incineration of the aborted fetus. Most states allow or require incineration. All require humane disposal including burial. Nice to know that states call for the humane treatment of an inhumane procedure.

You are crying for Swiderski to get his facts right when all this time you're wrong. Most useful embryonic stem cells are found in the blood of the umbilical cord and placenta. There are hundreds of articles confirming this fact idiot.

You said
Nothing is more dangerous than someone (let alone a politician!) with "pretend
knowledge" speaking as though he knows what he is talking about. Nothing is more dangerous
than a liberal idiot pretending to be a scholar. Al Gore is one of them and he duped everyone for the Nobel Prize. Amazing what special interest groups and the media can do for someone.

Then you say:
Good grief, *when I read that I saw immediately why you must NEVER be elected* - nor ever be in a position of responsibility. Sorry to be brusque. I say that I am pro-life except in the cases where the mother of fetus are in danger or in the case of rape or incest or in the case where the baby will turn out to be a lib. Sorry to be brusque but your mother should have snapped your neck and toasted you on a stick.

But with your attitude we
would never have made ANY advances in ANY technology. Using your twisted logic we should shut down the research on EVERY medicine and EVERY developmental surgical technique - as they have not YET had any "viable results" and give "false hope". Liberal playbook chapter 18: "When all else fails make conclusions based on no premise whatsoever." Where the f*ck did you get this conclusion from? I think the real issue here is that you're an atheist and can't stand the fact that Swiderski can win based on his principles alone. Are you faceless because you're a coward or because you're working with someone's campaign? Who's campaign are you with *sshole? Are you with the RINO Meuser or GOP Playboy Hackett? Worse yet, are you with Carney's campaign?

Religion is under attack in this country and it needs to stop. I will find out who you are and expose you for the liberal atheist bastard you really are!!!

Next on Swiderski's reply:
I love the tone of his email when it opens. It's almost Regan-ish. Once the formalities are out of the way he begins to tear this guy a new one! Then, he exposes Carney's record!

Swiderski then says: This is an example of an email from a typical liberal hack. These are the people who are trying to destroy traditional moral values and our identity as Americans. These are the people who attack Christianity and take away the the right to say celebratory phrases like Merry Christmas. Liberals like this faceless hack are responsible for polluting the meaning of the U.S. Constitution, make you want to believe that our founding fathers were atheists, and say that our children's rights will become violated if we allow them to pray in school.
Throw in a few curse words and a little stronger wording and he'd take the words right from my mouth!

Sir or madam (I cannot tell since you weren't bold enough to put your name to your email), you are more than welcome to campaign against my ideals just as I have the right to campaign for the right to restore America and return our country to its traditional, conservative values based upon the Christian principles of our founding fathers.
Right on!!! Give this bastard Hell!!! Now Swiderski's talking with vigour!!!

I welcome the opportunity to talk about the facts of this issue, rather than being preached to with senseless liberal ranting.

Here are the facts about stem cell research, based upon credible, non-partisan, peer-reviewed articles (i.e., scholarly sources): Most embryonic stem cells can be found in the umbilical cord and placenta. Scientists never legitimately validated the hypothesis that stems cells from embryos have any significant value for research. Almost all research conducted in this field indicate that this hypothesis will never be validated. Although research does indicate that one can clone blastocyst cells, the research focuses on the DNA which can be found in non-embryonic cells, extracted from therein, and yield the same results. In other words, taking an aborted fetus and using it for medical research is pointless. Therefore, the need to push for the legitimization of abortion through stem cell research is negated. The latest research in stem cell development indicates that "stem cells can be derived from reprogrammed adult skin cells, making it appear less important to use human embryos... researchers... were able to create embryonic stem cells by using skin cells".
Well put but where's the evidence?

It is true that I am not a scientist. However, my training as a doctoral candidate allow me to obtain and analyze scholarly research for the purposes of forming an educated, informed and unbiased opinion. This research goes far beyond reading blogs and internet articles from incredible sources. As your next representative, I will continue to examine emerging and developing issues such as the one above from an unbiased standpoint.
Nice answer and sounds better than what Hackett would come up with: uhmm.. the Republican party says this so I should just restate their principles.

Way to stick it to this *sshole!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found this sight through Gort's blog and thought I might find a reasonable guy who can have an honest debate but judging by your post that is not true. Not one of your, and for that matter Swiderski's, claims about stem cell's, are backed up by actual research. If you want to at least look credible try referencing some "credible" sources instead of just saying they exist. Any credible scholar would do at least that. Paul was quick to associate Carney with “Liberals” who don’t represent the values of the district. He clearly does not know the 10th district very well. The support in this area is very strong for stem cell research. Carney is a Christian and he is also a cancer survivor. Paul’s pathetic rant about “Christian Principles” is a good example of why the Republican Party is loosing support. To insinuate that supporting stem cell research is anti Christian is at best insulting and clearly ignorant. Now I’m sure Paul is a bright guy being a “doctoral candidate” but a Degree from the University Of Phoenix does not give you any special knowledge on a medical mattes. Paul said:

“However, my training as a doctoral candidate allow me to obtain and analyze scholarly research”

What is that supposed to mean? Anyone can obtain and analyze scholarly research. And more important with respect to credibility, Carney HAS a Doctorate that he didn’t get online.