Sunday, December 2, 2007

Book of Handouts Article 11/28/2007

I think we found the biggest f*cking loser of all time. Thank you Shannon Doyne for showing us all that the biggest import in PA is trash:

On a cold February morning this year, Korelle woke and realized that life as she knew it was over. Not that she had a choice – she and her young sons had been evicted from their apartment and this was move-out day. Korelle’s dilemma was due, in part, to her employer’s policy on maternity leave; the day-care center in Hartford Conn., where she had worked for three-and-a-half years did not offer it, she said. So she worked until the very end of her pregnancy, hoping she’d have enough time to figure out what to do next. Typical liberal spin. Let's feel sorry for this dumb*ss woman. So what it's cold. It's f*cking February!!! In Connecticut!!! It's DAMN COLD!!! Then you're supposed to feel even worse for her since she gets evicted around the time her pregnancy's over with. She's working all the way through her pregnancy and gets evicted around the time her baby's born. This means that she couldn't afford to have another kid let alone support the ones she had. She and Shannon Doyne break out the liberal playbook. Chapter 1: blame somebody else for the problems you created for yourself. It's apparent to the libs that it's not her fault that she couldn't control her wallet. Her employer is to blame because her employer didn't have maternity leave. Very few companies offer maternity leave. She should have found this out before getting knocked up!!!! She shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place.

When no better plan came together, she counted on food stamps to feed herself and her three children, including an infant son. But without money coming in, Korelle, no stranger to financial struggles, had reached her limit. She packed their bags, and the family headed to Northeastern Pennsylvania to stay temporarily with Korelle’s mother. A person who can't get her finances in order and continually has problems with money has no business having kids that she can't afford. Korelle did you ever hear of anything called birth control? Did the daddy - where is the daddy? - ever hear of a rubber? Worse she goes on welfare and moved to NEPA! More trash get imported.

Things began to take a turn for the better a few weeks later when Korelle and her young trio were accepted at The Salvation Army’s Kirby Family House in Wilkes-Barre – a program that gives homeless families a place to stay, meals and training in skills such as saving money and debt repayment. She needs that kind of training. Now only if she can blame herself for her own troubles.

Now Korelle works as an auxiliary aide at Heritage House, a Wilkes-Barre nursing home. She has paid off nearly all of her old debt. And she saves 70 percent of her paychecks, an achievement that impresses her caseworker, Lisa Caruthers. “They really are such a deserving family,” Caruthers said. Why? because she's stupid or ignorant?

Donations to this season’s campaign will allow Korelle to take driving lessons, so that she and her children can be more independent. Doesn't even know how to drive. Wow. And this trash gets imported from Connecticut. I wonder if she ever knew that the public transportation system here sucks before she imported her trashy *ss from CT.

When the older boys ask, as they often do, how long it will be until they trade the one room they live in for an apartment of their own, Korelle has no answer. She just continues to save her money, hoping she and the kids can get by on very little now, so that when they leave the transitional-housing center, they’ll have more – more stability, more money set aside, come what may. ...just in time for her to get knocked up again and in financial trouble. who will she blame next time?

Getting to this point didn’t come overnight, of course. There were times when Korelle’s longtime struggle with bipolar disorder seemed to get worse. That's just f*cking great!

She had to be hospitalized after a mental breakdown, she said. That's just f*cking great!

Today, however, with the benefit of medication and weekly counseling sessions, Korelle is feeling stable, she said. Until 5 minutes from now when she'll get depressed or angry. There's more to the story and it mainly talk about what they want. Here's the list:

Driving lessons – $270
Scrubs uniforms – $140
Karate lessons (six months) – two at $150 - not necessary
Boys winter coat – two at $55
Boys shirts – four at $12
Boys pants – four at $19
Boys socks – two at $12
Shoes – two at $35
Art set – $20 - not necessary
Michael Jordan memorabilia – $20 - not necessary
Infant clothing – five at $12
Infant socks – $10
Push-toy – $25 - not necessary
Elmo doll – $20 - not necessary

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