Friday, December 21, 2007

Mr. Jones joins the dark side of the force

tsk tsk tsk

Bill Jones leaves the republican party out of disgust. He loses an election and decides to move to the dark side of the force - the democrat party. At the very least this loser could have become an independent. Maybe he just wanted a debit card.

But who's really to blame?

Billy "the baby" Jones is blaming the Luzerne County Republicans for his loss. We all know that the county party is a joke and the laughing stock of the state. Following a close second is Lackawanna's. Baby Jones is right that there is no leadership on the local scene. It's no secret that the Luzerne County GOP is a bunch of cowering slobs who don't have the balls to stand up to the Children of the Coal (Luzerne County Democrats). Lynn should either take off the Depends and stop pissing herself every election cycle or step down. Urban Geurilla likes to hide in the trees somewhere along the proposed dam site (yes the project is still alive it's just quiet). Other committee members are like little trolls who don't want to leave the sacred shelters of old abandoned coal mines.

With all the f*cking problems that the democrats are facing this is the time for the GOP to step up to the plate and take back the county government. but they won't. They're either too lazy or too afraid to make any move.

Bill Jones already sounds like a democrat. He's playing the blame game. Baby Jones is crying: wah wah wah the woozune county wepubwicans didn't hewp me wah wah wah. F*CKING A
Show some balls and take responsibility for your loss you baby. If anyone running in Luzerne County thinks that the county party's going to help them is more disillusioned than a deadhead dropping acid in front of a Christmas tree. Anyone thinking the Luzerne County Party is going to help their campaign has more than candy canes dancing in their heads. Baby Jones should have known better.

Here's my take: The Luzerne County Republicans are - to quote our stupid President - a quagmire. Looking for support from them is like asking W for an endorsement: a bad move. Baby Jones has nobody but himself to blame for his failure. Instead of trying to fix the problem, he adds to it by leaving and joining the dark side of the force.


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