Saturday, December 1, 2007

Book of Handouts Article 11/30/2007

JANINE UNGVARSKY wrote this one:

"Brandie’s unsettled home life became apparent to other people on Super Bowl Sunday 2005.
The teenager, then 15, had planned to stay for the weekend with the family of her best friend, Alora. But, sadly, Alora’s grandmother died that day, so Brandie decided to call home for a ride, letting her friend’s family deal with their grief in private. She called once. She called again.It took three calls before anyone came for Brandie." Is this supposed to be a media article or a fictional novel? This is one of the most horribly written pieces of cr*p I read in a while. I saw porn scripts written better than this garbage.

"The incident signaled to Alora’s parents, Laura and James, that their daughter’s friend wasn’t getting much support at home. As the family discovered the full extent of Brandie’s situation, she spent more and more time at their place. Soon, she was living with them full time. Six months later, they applied for and received guardianship. “We took her in and now she’s ours,” Laura said. Laura and James welcomed Brandie despite the fact that they are both disabled and not working." Ahh... there lies the problem! 2 people both living on disability. What the f*ck is wrong with them that they're both unable to work? Sh*t. If they're that bad off - but I don't think they are - they shouldn't have taken on the responsibility of another kid!!! here's my take: the parents got some mild disability but can still work. They choose not to because the government (my tax money) will take care of them.

"They can offer little in the way of money or material goods, but they provide a lot of love." OH isn't that f*cking special. A lot of love won't pay the bills sweetheart. Speaking of a lot of love, did you see her picture? Being overweight isn't a disability. It's f*cking sick. It's a sign of being f*cking lazy. Did I mention she's ugly? maybe she's a femenist too.

"...Laura called Luzerne County Children and Youth Services for months to get the guardianship completed. “They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease,” she said. “I squeaked a lot.”" You got nothing better to do with yourself.

"When Laura’s mother died, the family inherited her house – and a huge mortgage. Health conditions have forced James, 55, an alumnus of Meyers High School in Wilkes-Barre, to retire from commercial truck driving. Laura’s health also prevents her from working." The guy probably has a bad back and hips. These are common problems for truck drivers. But why can't he change careers? What's wrong with Laura's health that she can't get out and get a job? Is she that f*cking lazy?

Brandie works only a few part-time hours, because, as Laura insists, “School comes first for both girls.” The family makes do with disability payments and child support for Brandie. Sad. Very sad. Too lazy to get a job disability isnt enough so you adopt a kid to add child support as income.

It’s the way they face all challenges – with love and resourcefulness. A broken drill gets glued, and glued again. James keeps wearing the battered slippers he once unintentionally wore when the fire volunteers who he captains were called out. “I slipped and fell at the fire because I was wearing those slippers,” he recalled. That's his disability. He's f*cking stupid! wearing slippers to a fire call. He's a volunteer fire fighter but too disabled to get a job? Being a firefighter requires physical demands on the body. How is this guy disabled?

This Christmas the family’s wish list includes mostly modest items, such as new slippers. For him to take to another fire call.

Brandie needs a new mattress and box spring and some clothes. Am I the only one who noticed this? Every welfare bum is asking for a mattress and box spring this year? Why is it that all the welfare people need new mattresses this year? Are they jumping up and down on their beds when that check comes in and when their access cards are reloaded?

She’s considering a career in photography, so a digital camera would give her a chance to dream about her future. In next year's book of handouts she'll consider a career in something else so she can get another gadget. I'll give her a gift card to Mr. Fashions so she can make money sitting on my lap - with a name like Brandie your career options are limited. But she can make some decent cash so he new parents can sit home and live on welfare.

Alora – a firefighter at heart – would love to have T-shirts with firefighter insignias, a new coat and, as something special, the new Garth Brooks CD set. What does Garth Brooks have to do with putting out fires?

Laura, who had so much to say about her girls, became less talkative when asked about her own holiday dreams. A new living room flooring to replace the ancient dusty carpeting that aggravates her asthma would be nice. But new sneakers and a pair of silky pajamas will do. How about a vacuum cleaner!

The mother has a wonderful heart for doing what she did but she is not a good role model. If Brandie needed a family then she should have been taken in by someone who can afford to take care of her and who can provide her with good work ethic. A couple who makes their living on disability checks will never instill the values to allow a child to be a productive member of society.

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