Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's about F*ckin' Time!

Candidate Paul Swiderski finally officially announces his candidacy. You can read the press release here.

There are a couple of things I gotta say about this guy and his campaign:
  1. My sentiments: It's about f*cking time he stopped playing Mr. Mom and got his *ss out there in public. Cut the cord baby and push these 120+ days like they were your last.
  2. This one's for the panzies who said they were going to support him once he announces: Take your foot out of your mouths and put your money where you said you were going to put it. Write a check and mail it to the man. Go on his site and make a contribution. Go to and contribute there. Give this guy whatever you can. He's going to need it to compete against Hack & Muse. and if you don't have money to spare help out in other ways.
  3. To Paul: I believe in you and will do whatever it takes to get you in office. But don't make an *ss out of me. I'll be watching your *ss when you get into Congress. Don't disappoint me or the people. In the meantime get your game on and make us all proud.
Now kick some tail Paul!!!! America needs you. NEPA needs you.


Gort said...
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Gort said...

You put it well. He needs money and more money.

BTW, it's OK to swear on the interubes as I can assure you that young children are not reading our rantings.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I hate to see you get too fired up about this guy. He's got skeletons too and they'll be coming out soon. It'll pretty much put an end to his run. He should just save his time and effort and stop now.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has skeletons. We all know what Dan Meuser and Chris Hackett have skeletons. Ely and Swiderski probably have them too. There are no secrets when you run for public office. Once you're on the radar screen, people are going to know everything about you. The voters have a right to know about the skeletons if they're true and if they are relevant to the campaign.

Just remember this mute point: nobody's perfect. I don't recall anyone in this race claiming to be.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:50

This guy has no chance of winning. He won't get enough votes to make a any impact. This campaign is all about money, and this guy doesn't have anywhere near the kind of money it takes to compete against the 2 frontrunners who hog up the media.

The media is ignoring him, and this means no free publicity and minimum exposure. If the media keeps this up then he'll just fade in the background and people will forget him in a couple of days.

He's not out in public anywhere trying to muster up support. His campaign is going nowhere. When the election rolls around people will just look at his name on the ballot and say Paul who?

He's obviously not a serious candidate. Just a guy who likes his 15 minutes of fame. Well he's got it. Let this guy fade and focus on the two front runners.

Why bother smearing someone's campaign if nobody's going to pay attention to him anyway, let alone vote for him? It's a wasted effort.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:50

Everyone else in this race already has their own skeletons, why should Paul be any different? I guess it all comes down to whose downside can least hurt the area.

Chris Hackett donated to an individual who is responsible for putting an entire county at risk of shutdown. If someone were to dig deeper, maybe one can find his direct influence on county decisions.

Dan Meuser sold defective wheelchairs with foreign based parts that killed at least one person. If someone were to dig deeper, one could find evidence showing Dan Meuser knew his parts were defective and thought it was better business to pay a few people off than look for American suppliers.

Finally, we don't have to beat a dead horse to know we wouldn't have lost thousands of brave soldiers in Iraq if Chris Carney didn't fudge the numbers.

So for someone without resources and a long shot of winning, why dig up something to give him free publicity? If Paul knew what he was doing, he'd have hundreds of thousands of dollars in free media coverage between now and April.

But...if this leak is "viable", the responsible party will be the individual who loses the primary. Since Paul has very little chance without funding, the leaker comes off looking like someone just as likely hire a P.I. against anyone who shows public dissent. Self-paranoia isn't an effective way to run a district.