Saturday, January 5, 2008

Why Petrilla shouldn't be the new chairperson

The Times Liberal headlines give you the best reason why:

Skrep backs Petrilla as new chair

ScrapNeck the debit czar is in no position to back anyone for anything. He and the other Children of the Coal misused our tax dollars for lavish dinners questionable travel expenses and strippers. Then they have the b*lls to say that they did nothing wrong and they laugh it off as if it were a joke. It's a good thing that we have guys like Tim Greier who stuck his tattooed neck into this mess to speak up for the taxpayers. We need more guys like him getting involved but the problem is that when someone wants to shake things up the machine discredits them. Guys like Tim have the b*lls and thick skin to face these corrupt *ssholes while the rest of the people watch from the sidelines with their d*cks tied around their nutsacks. If people want change they have to get involved or at least get behind those who want to make change happen.

ScrapNeck is corrupt. Any politician or any person who supported his campaign should hang their heads in shame (cough cough Hackett - thanks for adding to the problems we have!). You can't take this guy for face value. Any word coming from ScrapNeck's mouth should be examined as close as his carb and calorie intake. If ScrapNeck says he supports something we should immediately challenge it.

Now the other reason:

Petrilla is just as guilty for the problems at the county as ScrapNeck. Hell she's the f*cking county controller! The county controller is responsible for making sure that the finances are in order and for monitoring money flow. The county controller is responsible for making policies and enforcing policies to make sure that there are checks and balances in place to prevent things like the debit card debachle from happening. Now we're going to put her as the county chair??? She miserably failed at a leadership position and it was all her doing. There were no extraenous circumstances here. She plain and simple f*cked up big time. She should be asked to step down. She should not accept the higher leadership position.

Saying all that who is the best person for the job? Is it Steve Urban? My take: HELL NO!!!

Steve Urban is a p*ssy and a failed leader. He's supposed to be the Luzerne County Republican Party leader. His lack of leadership makes the county party a laughing stock. We need someone to take over the party leadership but this is never going to happen. I talked to a lot of people and found out that the PA GOP is well aware of the problems with the county party. The PA GOP continues to ignore the problems with the county party. Their best solution is to leave the county party defunct. Nobody at the state party in Harrisburg wants to talk to anyone interested in doing something about the county party problems (more on this in another post later).

I propose that ScrapNeck remains the county chair. now hear me out on that one. If we have guys like Tim Greier breathing down the county's neck and people actually getting involved and supporting this guy citizens can take back the county government beginning with watching fat*ss's every move. Continued public scrutiny is the best solution until ScrapNeck is up for reelection. While we're watching the fat boy eating twinkies we as concerned citizens band together to start a new more active county republican party. I have some suggestions for a few good leaders to revitalize the county GOP (more on this in another post later).


Anonymous said...

The answer is none of the above. All our energy and effort should be put into a Home Rule effort. The system is broken - change it!

Anonymous said...

Home Rule is a viable solution.
